Data Recovery Service
Ultimate, All-inclusive Protection for ioSafe Devices
Data loss + hardware failure protection
Comprehensive, expert-led data recovery
Free, no-hassle replacements + returns
Any Loss. Any Reason. Really.
Disk Failure
Human Error
Power Failures
Accidental Deletion
No Matter What Happens, We’ve Got You Covered
Hardware failure happens. After years of wear and tear, your hard drive is bound to hit the end of its life span. Worse yet, it’s not something you can predict — and that means risking losing all your data. We understand that your data’s invaluable. You want to protect it — whatever it takes.
That’s why, right out of the box, every registered ioSafe product with factory-installed hard drives includes:
Free 2-year hardware warranty
Free 2-year Data Recovery Service (DRS)
5-year DRS upgrade option to extend your ultimate protection
Whether you’re a victim of a drive failure or your child throws your drive in the family swimming pool, we’ve got you covered.
One-on-one Technician Guidance
If your hard drive fails or needs repairing, our ioSafe technicians walk you through the entire Data Recovery Service process, from start to finish. Your technician will troubleshoot and diagnose to figure out the core issues.
Sometimes an in-house repair does the trick. If you and your technician decide that’s the best route, you’ll ship us your device, we repair it, and send it back on its way to you.

No-questions-asked Hardware Replacement
If your device is damaged beyond repair — whether it’s fire, flood, or any kind of disaster — our technician will go through the complete Data Recovery Service process with you to get your data back.
Once your data’s recovered, we’ll transfer everything to a brand new ioSafe device. Then we’ll send it directly back to you, pre-loaded with your data, and ready to go.
Free, No-Hassle Shipping
Whether your device needs a quick fix or a full-on replacement, shipping is on us. We offer free shipping anywhere in the U.S.
For outside the U.S., you’ll cover shipping to us, and we’ll take care of return shipping.

Ultimate Protection, Upgraded
Already own a registered ioSafe device? Get even more peace of mind by extending your standard 2-year coverage to 5 years of no-hassle data recovery and hardware replacement. One simple upgrade and you’re good to go!
New to ioSafe? Browse our device library.

When All Else Fails, We’ve Still Got You Covered
Our ioSafe experts are equipped to deal with most data recoveries, but we might run into a complex recovery, or compliance requirements with privacy and security regulations such as HIPAA, SOX, GBLA, or NIST.
If that happens, we partner with DriveSavers, an industry-leading data recovery company. We’ll coordinate your data recovery with DriveSavers to make sure we explore every possible solution to get your data back.
ioSafe Device Warranties
Product |
2-Year Hardware Warranty (Standard) |
2-Year Data Recovery Service (DRS) (Standard) |
5-Year DRS +
1019+ NAS (Populated) |
✓ |
✓* |
Optional* |
1019+ NAS (Diskless) |
✓ |
ˣ |
ˣ |
218 NAS (Populated) |
✓ |
✓* |
Optional* |
218 NAS (Diskless) |
✓ |
ˣ |
ˣ |
Duo Pro (only available in populated configurations) |
✓ |
✓* |
Optional* |
Duo (Populated) |
✓ |
✓* |
Optional* |
Duo (Diskless) |
✓ |
ˣ |
ˣ |
SoloPro |
✓ |
✓* |
Optional* |
Solo G3 |
✓ |
✓** |
Optional** |
Solo Hawk |
✓ |
✓** |
Optional** |
*Advance Exchange (AE) included. AE provides the ability to recieve a replacement device prior to sending in the original system for evaluation. It drastically increases up time and reduces cost of replacing failed systems when required (original equipment must be returned within 14 days of receiving the replacement equipment).
**Advance Exchange (AE) not included.
ioSafe Device Warranties
Product |
2-Year Hardware Warranty (Standard) |
2-Year Data Recovery Service (DRS) (Standard) |
5-Year DRS +
1019+ NAS (Populated) |
✓ |
✓* |
Optional* |
1019+ NAS (Diskless) |
✓ |
ˣ |
ˣ |
218 NAS (Populated) |
✓ |
✓* |
Optional* |
218 NAS (Diskless) |
✓ |
ˣ |
ˣ |
Duo Pro*** |
✓ |
✓* |
Optional* |
Duo (Populated) |
✓ |
✓* |
Optional* |
Duo (Diskless) |
✓ |
ˣ |
ˣ |
SoloPro |
✓ |
✓* |
Optional* |
Solo G3 |
✓ |
✓** |
Optional** |
Solo Hawk |
✓ |
✓** |
Optional** |
***Only available in populated configurations
Terms and Conditions
As applicable during the DRS period, the Company or its contracted partner will assist the original purchaser for one data recovery event without the requirement to pay a deductible. Additional events will require a deductible of $500 for the second event, $1,000 for the third event and $2,000 for the any additional events. DRS plans apply only to the original owner of the ioSafe product. Data recovery services will be performed on the registered ioSafe product for the original owner and to one registered device of the original ioSafe owner that was attached to the ioSafe product. The Company will, at its sole discretion, attempt to restore the data as detailed below.
The Company or its contracted partner will provide phone or email based support to assist in recovering the data, or
- The Company will pay for the disaster-exposed product to be shipped back to the Company’s headquarters or, at the Company’s discretion, to a partner for data recovery. If data recovery is successful, a replacement product will be loaded with the original data and shipped back to the original user; or
- At the discretion of the Company, the Company will pay up to the total amount shown in the below to a third-party data recovery service company and/or an onsite technical support of the Company’s choice to extract the data. Any data extracted will be loaded on a replacement product and shipped back to the original user. The Company has the right to use a factory refurbished product as the replacement ioSafe branded product. Data recovery services for any device will cover the costs of data recovery only up to the total limits below subject to a maximum of $25,000 USD and will not cover replacement costs for the non-ioSafe device. Hourly rate for work associated with recovery effort is calculated at $150 per hour.
The Company’s good faith attempts to restore and recover the data in accordance with these terms and conditions shall be the purchaser’s sole and exclusive remedy and the sole and exclusive obligation of CRU with respect to the DRS and the Company shall not be liable for any damages whatsoever due to loss of data or otherwise. The Company cannot and does not guarantee that any data will be recoverable and it cannot and does not guarantee which data files are on the product or the attached computer if applicable. Data restoration or recovery shall be strictly limited to whatever files are restorable or recoverable and not what the purchaser believes to exist on the product or attached computer if applicable. The DRS is valid only upon verified, activation on the website in addition to valid registration for ioSafe branded products with proper serial numbers and activation codes for products owned by the original purchaser only. The DRS is not transferable to a third party without prior written signed consent of a CRU executive based in the United States of America.
Need help deciding? Talk with our sales team
Looking for more information about our fireproof and waterproof ioSafe data protection devices? Submit your information and an ioSafe representative will follow up with you as soon as possible.